With US Increase in Idol Worship, Will We See Continued Breaches of Our Defenses?


Editor’s Note: This is part two of a two-part article. Find part one here.

At the end of part one, I asked a question. “If God warned Israel of its idol worship, is it possible that God also left the U.S. a message concerning this particular idol?”

Examine the evidence below, and draw your own conclusion.

The Obelisk Idol and the Walls of the United States

This Egyptian obelisk was the first idol to foreign gods of this magnitude to be placed on United States’ soil since the nation’s birth. However, Cleopatra’s Needle is only one of three true obelisks in the city.

The first is a memorial built in the early 1830s to a New York state attorney general, Thomas Addis Emmet, located at St. Paul’s Chapel. The second is the Worth Monument, built in 1857 as the burial site of Gen. William Jenkins Worth, who fought in the Mexican-American War.

Strangely, although built in different times and for different purposes, all three obelisks line up in a perfectly straight line. When drawing a straight line from Cleopatra’s Needle to the Emmet Obelisk, the line intersects the Worth monument precisely through its center.

While men may have intentionally selected the spot for Cleopatra’s Needle to form this alignment, man could not have created the circumstances for this alignment to be possible. The first two obelisks were erected far before anyone had conceived of bringing an Egyptian obelisk to New York City. And it was God who created the high hill of granite on the site where an art museum was built in the same year as the obelisk’s arrival (1880). Only God could have arranged this.

But if God arranged for this alignment to occur, what is He telling us?

The Message in the Three Obelisks

When I contemplated an obelisk in the middle of two other objects, it reminded me of a scale. Scales represent justice. In law, there is a balance between competing interests. In this case, picture God’s law in the left bowl of the scale and our actions in the right bowl. The tipping of the scale could lead to blessings or chastisement.

In the left bowl of the scale is the obelisk at St. Paul’s Chapel. In George Washington’s prayer over the new nation, he not only sought God’s blessing but asked for His “holy protection.” It’s also significant that the obelisk at this site is a memorial to a man of law, an attorney general. These factors indicate that the obelisk at St. Paul’s Chapel represents God’s law and the protection God affords for following His law.

In the right-hand bowl of the scale is a great sin in the form of an inscribed idol, worshipping the Egyptian gods.

The fulcrum on the scale is an obelisk memorializing a military man who fought in the Mexican-American War. This war was a border war that started when the Mexican Army fired on U.S. troops at the disputed border. My conclusion is that this obelisk represents the country’s defense of its borders, or walls.

The message is this: If the country remains in God’s laws, His protection will remain on the country. But if it worships idols, His protection will be lifted, and enemies will breach the country’s walls.

But God does not dole out chastisements unjustly. The sin in the scale’s bowl must reach a threshold to tip the scale to the point of allowing enemies to enter (Gen. 15:16).

Is America’s sin sufficient to tip the scale?

The Breach of the United States’ Defenses

Of course, we know the nation’s walls were breached, and it happened across the street from St. Paul’s Chapel on 9/11.

This connection between St. Paul’s Chapel, the attack on 9/11 and the nation’s walls of protection are described in great detail in Jonathan Cahn’s books, The Harbinger and The Harbinger II: The Return.

Though this event shook the U.S., the country has continued to fill the right bowl of the scale with sin. Among many attacks on God’s laws, the worship of idols continues to grow on a personal and national level.

The nation continues to erect prominent idols in its centers of government and finance (Washington, D.C., and New York), particularly in the last 10 years. These idols include a giant depiction of the Hindu goddess Kali, goddess of destruction and death; a replica of the arch of a temple of Baal; a pagan Medusa statue and a statue of Saraswati, the Hindu goddess of wisdom and learning with a sculpture representing a young President Obama at her feet.

With these increases in idol worship, should we expect further breaches of our walls?

Enemy Breaches to Come

Just weeks ago, a U.S. representative proclaimed a false god over the Congress, and the Capitol building’s walls were breached three days later. This rapid response may reflect that our bowl of sin is nearly complete, and judgment is at hand.

The United States has many walls of protection. There are naval bases protecting our coasts, firewalls protecting our data and infrastructure, physical walls protecting our borders and even satellites protecting our skies. Could we see breaches in these walls by America’s enemies in the days to come?

If we continue in the ways ancient Israel did, the answer may be a resounding yes. {eoa}

Kevin Connelly is the author of “West Clouds Rising,” a blog which posts signs of the end of this age and explanations of biblical prophecy.

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