Pastor’s Raw Response to COVID-19: ‘My Heart Is Heavy,’ but ‘God Is Still God’


“She’s got cancer, and I can’t be there for her.”

Pastor Timothy Sloan shared these heartbreaking words in a video revealing the raw, vulnerable and often-overlooked reality of pastoring during a pandemic. As a young woman in his congregation neared the end of her cancer fight, Sloan reveals the difficulty in caring from afar for the family as they mourn the loss of their daughter, who has now since gone to be with the Lord.

“This is what we do. And COVID has made it so we can’t be there,” he says, wiping tears from his face.

But even in this, Sloan stands on the truth and comfort of God’s sovereignty in the midst of chaos.

“We can still trust Him even when we can’t understand it,” he continues. And he has a word of encouragement for those in similar situations: “Even though you’re tired, fatigued and weary, don’t give in, don’t give up.”

Watch Sloan’s full Facebook video here and take heart that in the midst of seasons of hardship, “as long as God is still on the throne, He keeps watch of His own.”


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