Haggard Ends New Life Restoration Process


The council appointed to administer fallen pastor Ted Haggard’s process of “spiritual restoration” has agreed to his request to end their oversight reports the Rocky Mountain News.

Despite this, members of the New Life Church team contest that “the process of restoring Ted Haggard is incomplete and [New Life] maintains its original stance that he should not return to vocational ministry.”

Haggard, who was fired in November 2006 as pastor of the church he founded amidst a sex and drug scandal, will reportedly maintain what New Life described as an “accountability relationship” with Phoenix First Assembly of God pastor Tommy Barnett.

According to the Rocky Mountain News, Barnett pastors the church Haggard now attends and was a member of the council helping to restore him.

Fox News reports that Haggard’s “spiritual restoration” process was expected to last at least another four years.

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