CN Morning Rundown: Officially and Practically, America No Longer Wants God


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Officially and Practically, America No Longer Wants God

Secularism’s century-old gambit to de-Christianize and secularize America added last week another abject abomination to its sacrilegious rap sheet as President Joe Biden became the first president in modern history to omit God, in word and deed, from the National Day of Prayer Proclamation.

America, officially and practically, now no longer wants or needs God.

President Biden’s deliberate omission presents a striking example of the advancing deterioration of the American culture. The extent of this decline shows clearly in the stark contrast between the current president’s paltry prosaic profession and Democrat President Harry Truman’s radiant revelation back in 1952

For Response to Coming Government UFO Report, We Need Modern-Day Einstein, Isaiah

A U.S. government report on Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) is expected to be “profound and transformational” in content. If it concludes that we are likely being visited by aliens from other worlds but they have not contacted us, much remains unknown. Speculation will be rampant. What is the level of technology of these aliens? Why don’t they contact us? How do they transport themselves through space? Is our God also their God? If they choose to contact us, could they provide technology that could solve all our earthly problems, make us healthier to live much longer and generally make our lives much more satisfying? Or will nothing change because they fully intend to leave us totally alone?

I’ve never been part of the ufologist crowd. But I’ve read much about UFOs, and as a former electrical engineer, the most intriguing question is what propels them. Space travel provides fascination for us here on earth, in our actual lives and in novels and films. All our real-life space vehicles are propelled by rockets, but it takes imagination to know what propels the Star Wars vehicles.

One central theme to the speculation on what propels UFOs is that they have harnessed some form of magnetic energy that propels their vehicles. That’s why sightings and images of UFOs that have been observed and captured in electronic images show no form of burning fuel propulsion. They have exhibited the ability to move rapidly, hover, start and stop quickly, and plunge into the ocean, seemingly without constraint. What science have they mastered?

Republicans Ready Blitz for Election Integrity

Republicans are preparing to launch an all-out assault on sweeping voting rights legislation, forcing Democrats to take dozens of politically difficult votes during a committee hearing that will spotlight the increasingly charged national debate over access to the ballot.

The bill, as written, would bring about the largest overhaul of U.S. elections in a generation, touching on almost every aspect of the electoral process. Democrats say the changes are even more important now as Republican-controlled states impose new voting restrictions after the divisive 2020 election.

Yet it’s a motivating issue for Republicans, too, with GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell so determined to stop Democrats that he will personally argue against the measure, a rare role for a party leader that shows the extent to which Republicans are prepared to fight as a hearing for the bill begins Tuesday. {eoa}

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