European Pastor Wants to Change the American Church


A European pastor is calling American church leaders together to help change the downward course some say America is taking.

In a conference held in Dallas last week, Sunday Adelaja, a Ukrainian pastor from Nigeria with the largest charismatic church in Europe, said that America is headed for destruction if the church does not change.

“I feel that we believers in the nations should rally around America and begin to join hands together,” Adelaja said. “To pray and to lift the country up before God so that America does do not experience the fall of which many feel is imminent.”

In his June 19 conference dubbed “Church Shift,” Adelaja said he gave American church leaders in attendance key areas that must be addressed for the American church to prosper. Church leaders must become more evangelism minded and must involve themselves in all areas of society, including politics among other things.

“I believe personally that as goes America so goes to the world,” Adelaja said of America’s importance. “We complain that America gives only 2 percent to missions. The 2 percent accounts for more than 70 percent of what the whole world is giving to missions. We think that America does not send missionaries. But still America sends more than 50 percent of the world’s missionaries. So it’s impossible for us to let this country go down.”

He said he plans to take the Church Shift conference across the country to empower the American church

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