Who’s in Charge? Moms for America Helps Moms Defend Children From ‘Woke’ Social Engineers


Moms all over the country are giving notice that educators are not the prime authority in their children’s lives—parents are, and especially moms.

“We don’t want to be left out of decision making, and we sure don’t want to be told after the fact that our children have been at the mercy of ‘woke’ social engineers,” says Kimberly Fletcher, founder and president of Moms for America® (momsforamerica.us).

“Our children are precious beings created in the image of God,” Fletcher says. “Our children are not anyone’s guinea pigs. What’s most horrific is not being informed at all about bad curricula and mandates and finding out only after the damage has been done. Who’s in charge? We should be. Moms want a seat at the table.

“The good news is that more and more moms are confronting school boards and other officials over Critical race theory, LGBTQ-heavy sex ‘education’ and intentionally inaccurate history lessons that paint America in the worst possible light,” she adds.

In Loudoun County, Virginia, a wealthy suburb of Washington, D.C., moms have been in the forefront of a parents’ revolt against the school board over critical race theory, the suspension of an elementary gym teacher who refused to use incorrect pronouns and by the discovery of an abusive, radical group on Facebook. Members of this group were “doxing” conservative parents (exposing their names and addresses) and pledging to “silence” them. Six school board members who were part of the group face a petition drive for a recall.

“This is what has to happen all over the nation,” Fletcher says. “Moms are manning booths and walking through neighborhoods in Loudoun to get signatures to oust these creeps, who richly deserve to lose their positions.”

In a scorching speech to the Loudoun school board on May 11, Shawntel Cooper, the mother of two biracial children, declared, “Critical race theory is not an honest dialogue; it is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves.”

“CRT is racist; it is abusive; it discriminates against one’s color … Think twice before you indoctrinate such racist theories,” Cooper continued. “You cannot tell me what is or is not racist. Look at me. I had to come down here today to tell you to your face that we are coming together and we are strong.”

“I’d like to see them accuse Shawntel Cooper of being a racist,” Fletcher says. “We are dedicated to equipping more moms on how best to channel their well-deserved outrage.”

Preparations are underway for MomRise 2021, a national gathering of mothers slated in October and hosted by Moms for America®. MomRise will bring moms together from across the country (in person or via livestream) to encourage and empower them and help moms realize the powerful influence they have in our homes, communities and through our votes.

“One of the more encouraging signs of the MomRise movement is the increasing number of minority moms standing up to abusive school officials,” Fletcher says.

In Duval County, Florida, Keisha King excoriated the school board over CRT:

“Just coming off of May 31, marking the 100 years [since] the Tulsa riots, it is sad that we are even contemplating something like Critical Race Theory, where children will be separated by their skin color and deemed permanently oppressors or oppressed in 2021,” King said.

“Telling my child or any child that they are in a permanent oppressed status in America because they are Black is racist—and saying that white people are automatically above me, my children or any child is racist as well. This is not something that we can stand for in our country.”

“More power to Keisha, Shawntel and other moms like them,” Fletcher says. “Moms want to be the ultimate authority in their children’s education.”

Moms for America® is helping moms oppose Critical Race Theory, mask mandates and vaccine mandates.

As part of its mission, Moms for America® produces a podcast with nationally recognized leaders, an interactive, digital MomLinks Magazine, and hosts cottage meetings in homes and online during the summer. {eoa}

Moms for America® is recognized as one of the fastest growing movements of women in America, giving voice and value to the silent majority of American women who love God, protect life, treasure family, and cherish freedom. Moms for America® is a national movement uniting mom across the country on a mission to reclaim culture for truth, family, freedom, and the constitution, to raise a new generation of patriots, and to heal America from the inside out through the homes and hearts of the mothers of America. Moms for America® is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education corporation dedicated to promoting a foundation of liberty through the mothers of America in their homes, within their communities, and with their vote.

Moms for America Action consists of thousands of moms from every race, religion and nationality who believe in our Republic, our Constitution and our God-given liberties. Moms for America Action is the voice of mothers on the cultural and political issues of the day. Moms for America Action strives to faithfully represent the hearts of mothers from all across our great nation—–moms who inspire faith and bless America by raising tomorrow’s leaders.

For more information on Moms for America, visit MomsforAmerica.us, its Facebook page or follow on YouTube, Instagram or Pinterest. For more information on Moms for America Action, visit mfaaction.com.

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