The United States May Now Be Headed for Civil War


Just under half of all Americans believe it is time for the United States to separate.

A new poll from the University of Virginia shows that 41% of Biden voters and 52% of Trump voters believe it is time to split the country up.

This is incredible news as the United States of America has existed for 245 years and it has been 156 years since the American Civil War ended.

Social media influencer David Reaboi writes that, “National Divorce or some other, more tragic and chaotic outcome won’t be impossible forever. Despite heaping dollops of patriotic propaganda—which, admittedly, is essential to maintenance of the citizens’ faith in the regime—one day, the United States will end.”

It’s true: The United States made its way through the civil war of the 1800’s and emerged as the most powerful nation in the world. What the length of its existence will be should not be taken for granted.

Nations rise and nations fall. The apostle Paul spoke of the Lord saying, “He has made from one blood every nation of men to live on the entire face of the earth, having appointed fixed times and the boundaries of their habitation” (Acts 17:26 MEV).

What was Paul’s point? Nations have fixed boundaries and they have fixed life spans. Of course the next verse explains why, “that they should seek the Lord so perhaps they might reach for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us” (Acts 17:27).

God wants people from every nation to reach out to Him and find the salvation that He offers.

Will America have a “National Divorce”?

Karol Markowicz of the New York Post does not believe it will happen.

Markowicz writes that more and more people seem to be attracted to the idea, “But it’s a fantasy that could never work, even in the sort term, much less the long.”

She continues to saying the alternative is, “We fight it out—peacefully. We find like-minded people in our communities and band together to bring changes we want to see. We don’t surrender because we’re in the minority. Minorities have won before. It wasn’t that long ago that a non-Democrat was mayor of New York City and a Republican won the California recall. It’s not impossible.”

We need to continue to pray for our nation and pray that the Lord would lead us and guide us in the days ahead. These are times unlike anyone alive has ever experienced and we will need to rely on the Lord every step of the way, regardless of whether the United States continues to be united or not.

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