CN Morning Rundown: ‘The Pandemic Will Not Eventually Go Away,’ Michael Snyder Says—forThis End-Times Reason


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CN Morning Rundown: ‘The Pandemic Will Not Eventually Go Away,’ Michael Snyder Says—forThis End-Times Reason

We’ve heard it again and again: The pandemic will eventually go away. If we follow the CDC recommendations. If we fully quarantine. If we wear masks. If we avoid crowds. If we get the vaccine. And now, if we get the booster. If we do all these things, the pandemic will eventually go away.

Not so, cultural commentator Michael Snyder tells Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “It’s not going away,” Snyder says, and believers should recognize it as part of the prophesied end-times signs.

“In fact, just over the weekend, the head of Pfizer went on ABC News, and he told George Stephanopoulos …. ‘What we believe is going to be the scenario is that every year, people are going to have to get their COVID shots, because by now, it’s apparent to everyone, if you get these vaccines, any immunity you get from it is very, very temporary,'” Snyder explains.

Could This Be What the World Has Been Looking For?

In the battle against COVID-19, most of the world has turned to vaccines as the main line of defense. Still, a number of doctors and hospitals are looking for other options that could potentially play a role in defeating this global pandemic.

Several treatments have seen success in treating the disease, such as Regeneron and Remdesevir. The drug Ivermectin also continues to generate interest. While the FDA and other organizations advise against it, one Israeli doctor is reporting positive results in clinical trials.

Professor Eli Schwartz is with the Sheba Medical Center in Israel, considered one of the world’s top hospitals. For decades, Prof. Schwartz has traveled the world fighting outbreaks like Dengue Fever and Ebola. He also began the Travel Medicine and Tropical Disease Institute at Sheba. At the beginning of the pandemic and months before any vaccine, Israel’s Defense Ministry assigned Schwartz to find a medical solution for COVID-19.

Mysterious New Disease Has Experts Baffled

Originally appearing in December of 2016, Havana Syndrome is a name given to a perceived illness in which those stricken by it experience strange symptoms.

It first appeared in Havana Cuba, where, “Diplomats and CIA officers at the US Embassy in Havana began to report mysterious symptoms. Dozens were suddenly and without warning falling ill with headaches, fatigue, hearing and vision loss, severe debilitating cognitive impairment, tinnitus, brain fog, vertigo, and los of motor control.” It is also reported that over, “200 more diplomats, spies, DOD, and NSC personnel, from US embassies around the world and at home, have experienced some or all of this cluster of symptoms.”

With the mainstream news being dominated by COVID-19 and the vaccination role out, you may not have heard of Havana Syndrome. {eoa}

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