CN Morning Rundown: Satan Wants Us to Deny the Supernatural, Leading Charismatic Pastor Says

Dr. Sam Storms

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Satan Wants Us to Deny the Supernatural, Leading Charismatic Pastor Says

The Bible affirms the reality of spiritual warfare. So why do so many people, even believers, deny its reality?

“I fear that there are two extremes,” Dr. Sam Storms tells Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of the Greenelines podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. And as with most extremes, the lead pastor at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, believes both sides err—but Christians need to recognize the enemy’s power as well as their own power in Christ to withstand his evil attacks.

“There are those who are drawn to talk about nothing but the demonic,” Storms says. “And then there are those who will never talk about it, and they pretend as if they can kind of coast through their Christian lives. And just because they’re born again, they think they’re invulnerable to the attack of the enemy. And of course, that’s not true.”

Michael Snyder: Where Have All the Workers Gone?

Something really strange is going on, and none of the “experts” can explain why it is happening.

Right now, there are more jobs available than ever before. In fact, according to one recent measure there were nearly 11 million job openings in the United States during the month of July. There are “help wanted” signs all over the place, and so if you want a job, you can go get a job. It may not be the job that you want, but the truth is that there are millions upon millions of jobs available.

We are in the midst of the greatest labor shortage in U.S. history, and companies are absolutely desperate to hire people. Wages are being raised to unprecedented levels, signing bonuses are often being offered, and some companies have completely waived drug testing requirements.

BREAKING NEWS: Liberty Counsel Files Massive Lawsuit for Military Plaintiffs

Katherine* has been a member of the military for 24 years. She currently serves in the Navy Reserve. Biden’s COVID shot mandate goes against her deeply held religious beliefs. Katherine would prefer to retire and be done with this administration’s mandate, but her superiors won’t allow her to do so without taking the shot.

Military members are being told that if they do not get the shot, not only will they be dishonorably discharged, but they also could face imprisonment.

“This is not the United States of America that I grew up in, defended and loved,” Katherine writes. {eoa}

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