School District Uses Anti-Bullying Policy Against Christian Speech


The American Family Association (AFA, stands by a Western Michigan student’s lawsuit against his high school and the school district for suspending him after he exercised his constitutionally protected right to free speech to share his faith and share the biblical view on homosexuality. David Stout, a high school junior, filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Michigan.

The complaint asserts the school suspended Stout for “bullying.” He was barred from classes and his extra-curricular activities for three days in October 2021. Stout is alleged to have said homosexual conduct is sinful and there are only two genders according to the biblical creation story.

“The tyranny of the secular, God-hating left is now on full display. They hate Christianity, and they hate any morality or worldview that flows out of it,” said AFA Executive Vice President Ed Vitagliano. “What this school has done to David Stout is breathtaking in its willful disregard for our constitutional freedoms, and for school officials to say it was done in the name of anti-bullying policies is stunning in its hypocrisy. This really is the morally blind leading the blind. Christian students must not back away from proclaiming their faith; the parents of these courageous students must not waver in their support.” {eoa}

For over 40 years, American Family Association has operated within the mission to inform, equip and activate individuals to strengthen the moral foundations of American culture and give aid to the church here and abroad in its task of fulfilling the Great Commission.  Founded in 1977, AFA has long been on the front lines of America’s culture war. Today, AFA is one of the largest and most effective pro-family organizations in the country, with nearly a million online supporters and approximately 160,000 subscribers to the AFA Journal, the ministry’s monthly magazine.  FindAFA Action Alerts here.  In addition, AFA owns and operates nearly 180 radio stations across the country under the American Family Radio banner. 

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