CN Morning Rundown: Faith Leaders Mourn the Loss of Precious Children and Teachers in Texas


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Faith Leaders Mourn the Loss of Precious Children and Teachers in Texas

Many leaders in the faith community today are morning the loss of 19 children and two teachers who were massacred in a mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, Tuesday.

Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, issued the following statement Wednesday, mourning the tragedy of the primarily Hispanic city 80 miles west of San Antonio:

“Broken people break people. A young man, mentally and spiritually broken, manifested an evil, extinguishing the light of our most innocent and vulnerable,” Rodriguez said. “It was not an inanimate object that took the lives of our fellow Americans. It was a young man filled with darkness. Any politicization of this tragedy can only be described as morally reprehensible. New laws will not push back darkness. Political rhetoric will not push back darkness. Divisive declarations will not push back darkness. Only light overcomes darkness.

Was Monkeypox Predicted in Revelation 16:2?

The news media is creating a hubbub over monkeypox. What is this, and should we be concerned about another pandemic on the heels of COVID-19 with all its highly contagious and deadly variants?

Monkeypox. What is it?

According to Scientific American, “Monkeypox produces smallpox-like skin lesions, but symptoms are usually milder than those of smallpox. Flu-like symptoms are common initially, ranging from fever and headache to shortness of breath. One to 10 days later, a rash can appear on the extremities, head or torso that eventually turns into blisters filled with pus. Overall, symptoms usually last for two to four weeks, while skin lesions usually scab over in 14 to 21 days.”

On Viral Video, AOC Makes Feeble Attempt to Justify Abortion Through Woke-Friendly ‘Religious’ Talk

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—better known as AOC—posted a video last week exposing her blatant intolerance of Christianity and narcissistic opposition to biblical truth about the value of life from conception. She clumsily attempts to justify abortion by claiming certain religious “faiths” encourage and approve of killing unborn babies.

“For people who say, ‘Oh, but you’re harming a life. I believe this is life.’ Well, some religions don’t. So how about that?” she says defiantly on the video, which has gone viral. “Our Jewish brothers and sisters, they are able to have an abortion according to their faith.”

AOC spews woke statements regarding the definition of life, defying scientific evidence that a human being grows within the womb of a woman, as plainly seen through 21st-century imaging technology that didn’t exist when a nine-person court legalized abortion in 1973. {eoa}

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