CN Morning Rundown: Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘A Great Move of Evangelism Is Going to Come on Gen Z’


Here’s a quick summary of the top stories on

Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘A Great Move of Evangelism Is Going to Come on Gen Z’

He was 10-years-old, listening to Michael W. Smith sing “You’re All I Want,” before 400,000-plus people gathered on the National Mall for Lou Engle Ministries’ “TheCall DC” 22 years ago.

Fast forward 20 years and, as leader of Gen Z For Jesus, Aaron Custalow, like Engle before him, rallied students to pray, fast, worship and share the good news online with 40 million people during COVID lock downs in 2020.

Almost to the day 22 years after TheCall DC, Custalow and Gen Z For Jesus will reunite with Engle and collaborate with ministries Awaken the Dawn, One Voice, Jesus Clubs and UPPERROOM Dallas for a live gathering in Texas on September 3.

The Amazing Revival That Ensued When a Former Slave Owner Heard God’s Supernatural Voice

Freeborn Garrettson (1752-1827), an evangelist from Maryland, freed his slaves after hearing God speak to him supernaturally, “It is not right for you to keep your fellow creatures in bondage; you must let the oppressed go free.”

He immediately informed his slaves that they belonged to God, not to him, and that he did not desire their services without giving them proper compensation.

In addition to calling sinners of all races and classes to come to Christ, Freeborn now also called for the freedom of all slaves. His preaching provoked intense opposition, especially in the South, where he was physically attacked, but he never allowed opposition to deter his mission and message.

The Massive Difference Between Forgiveness Through the Cross and Forgiving College Debts

President Biden’s announcement that he will forgive a certain amount of student debts has ignited a firestorm of controversy, with some pastors criticizing Christians who have a problem with the plan. After all, these pastors argue, since Jesus paid our debts on the cross, it is un-Christian for us to protest the president’s plan.

In the words of activist preacher Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, “A whole lot of folks who supposedly pray, ‘Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors’ don’t see debt forgiveness as an answer to prayer.”

Or, as expressed by progressive pastor John Pavlovitz, “Conservative Christians are fully enraged at #studentloanforgiveness, missing the irony that their entire professed religion is based on the idea of a cancelled debt. Way to lose the plot, kids.” {eoa}

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