This Demonic Blasphemy Was Aired Live on Television


Christians are being greatly stretched in the current era of humanity.

The relentless attacks against God, His Word and His design for mankind are becoming culturally accepted and amplified across the news waves.

It is no secret that the television outlet MSNBC holds Christians in contempt, but now it is airing blasphemous statements against God without challenging the speakers in the slightest.

In a recent interview, host Joy Reid interviewed a transgender woman (who is biologically a man).

It goes without saying on which side of the argument they both stood.

The guest, transgender activist Charlotte Clymer, claimed that Daily Wire personality Michael Knowles, a devout Catholic, was contradicting the teachings of Jesus by speaking out against the transgender ideology.

Are the signs that the Tribulation is not far off visible enough yet?

“I think children are only unsafe at drag shows when a shooter shows up to kill them. That’s where the threat is,” Clymer said. “I would challenge anyone just to get to know trans people. We are a vibrant, diverse community, diverse as anyone else. I’m from the great state of Texas. I served in the military; I go to church every Sunday and my faith is very important to me.”

This is only the initial thrust of biblical illiteracy and apostasy that spewed forth from MSNBC unfiltered.

“But God made me in her image. God made me transgender,” the activist declared. “To see these people so cynically weaponize this and exploit these children’s deaths and their teachers’ deaths, it breaks my heart. I wonder what those families are thinking right now.”

The deception in the words spoken by this false prophet is dripping from every sentence. This is why Christians, young, old and everything in between, must be biblically literate enough to see through the lies and know that this is not what the Word of God says.

Christians must be aware and discern the spiritual attacks of the enemy in the world today. Satan is already attempting to rewrite what the Word of God says and replace it with his own twisted and corrupt version that serves him and condemns those who follow it.

Now, he is using this deceived man to spread misinformation about who God is and what constitutes the biblically, and therefore divinely, defined lifestyle of a Christian.

This apostasy and blasphemy of the Word of God goes hand in hand with the restrictions on speech and belief systems that run contrary to the secular ideologies taking over American culture today.

In the past, Clymer was called out for supporting the squelching of speech that is deemed “harmful” and silencing anyone who objects or disagrees.

This is the path being taken by those who will eventually move to restrict the Bible.

Believe that, the day is coming when there will be a movement to outlaw the Bible in America because it speaks out against the world, and holds within its pages the truth that can save humanity.

All of the chaos, division and hatred being implemented in society today are side effects of the war Satan is waging against God and everything He created.

Christians know how this will eventually end, but not when. In the meantime, some intense spiritual warfare must take place within the church today.

The gospel must continue to be preached in its true and accurate form that reforms, restores and saves those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, not the perverted version being peddled by those under demonic influence.

Standing against the devil and standing up for Jesus can absolutely be done in love, but there must be no room for compromising the Word of God when it comes to the message being preached to the world.

Jesus stood against the evil ways of the world, and He did it in love. May all believers follow His example and set the world on fire for God. {eoa}

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James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.

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