Is God Speaking Through Déjà Vu?


The occurrence of déjà vu has confounded people for millennia.

St. Augustine is credited as being the first to reference the concept of déjà vu, while it was French philosopher Emile Boirac who coined the term “déjà vu” in 1890.

But is there something more to the strong sensation of experiencing what some consider just a brain glitch, or is there a spiritual occurrence happening in a person’s soul?

Acting CEO of MorningStar Ministries and Lead Pastor of MorningStar Church Chris Reed believes that there is.

“When you’re talking about déjà vu, it’s like you’re in a moment,” Reed says in an exclusive interview with Charisma News. “And you’re like, ‘I’ve been here before, this happened. I don’t know if it’s a dream, if it’s a thought or a prophetic.’ It was what I would call a convergence or a confluence. In other words, you caught up with your face in the future.

“Meaning, where God had you at that moment … God was showing you before,” he adds. “You may not even [have] remembered it. But where you are at, you’re at the right place, at the right time. Convergence is the place where everything comes together.”

Reed points out that throughout the Bible, the woman at the well, Ananias on the street called Straight, even Jesus at the pool where he found a man paralyzed for 38 years, all had a calling on them by the Lord to be in a certain place at a certain time.

When people listen to the still, small voice in their spirit, they will find that the Lord’s timing is always the best timing in their lives.

“Remember what Ecclesiastes says, there’s a time for every purpose under heaven,” Reed says. “There’s another verse in Ecclesiastes that says, ‘That which has been is now and that which is to be has already been.'”

“So, the eternal realm was like a circle,” he explains. “Whereas time is like a timeline. When the eternal realm touches the timeline, that’s when we have those God moments. And I think that’s when miracles, supernatural signs and wonder and things like that happen.”

Discerning these signs and dreams is one of the many reasons Reed and MorningStar Ministries have their school of prophecy.

Being able to interpret dreams, visions, signs and wonders is not just for the heroes of the Bible like Joseph and Daniel. It is a practice that has sadly been let go and rendered unimportant by many around the world.

These God moments are written about in the Word of God for a reason and a purpose.

Be like Joseph, who was sold into slavery, lied about and thrown into jail yet never stopped pursuing the Lord. As it turns out, following the path God had for him ended up putting Joseph right where he needed to be—right when he needed to be there. {eoa}

James Lasher is staff writer for Charisma Media.


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