Isaiah Saldivar on God’s Perfect Timing: ‘We Want a Drive-Thru Miracle’


Our fast-paced, consumer society has made us expect God to do the miraculous on our own timetable. However, the kingdom of God does not work the same way the world works.

In a recent livestream, Isaiah Saldivar discussed the dangers of us wanting God to work instantaneously.

Saldivar reminds believers that God’s schedule is not our schedule because His ways are not our ways. Sometimes, when we ask God to do a miracle, to bring us deliverance and to move in new ways, He takes His time. Then, when God decides the moment has finally arrived for something to come to pass, He moves suddenly.

“You know what the Lord says?” Saldivar asks. “I’m working behind the scenes doing something in your life. I’m moving in your life. I’m healing. I’m delivering. I’m doing something and it’s going to feel suddenly to you.”

One of the greatest examples of those who waited on God and expected Him to move were the disciples as they waited for the coming of the Holy Spirit. It is growing in spiritual maturity and with Christ that makes all the difference. Being strengthened by the Holy Spirit is one of the most valuable and necessary pieces for a believer’s life, something that only happens with plenty of time.

Living in a deep and powerful relationship with God is something Saldivar warns as crucial for what’s coming next.

“Stop letting the devil lie to you and tell you [that] you don’t need the Holy Spirit,” Saldivar continues.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.

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