The Trump Code: Did Nikola Tesla’s Visionary Tech Include Time Travel?


Throughout history, God has chosen various methods to speak prophetically, sometimes even through unexpected sources, such as political leaders, nationally recognized people, feature films, current events and other means.

President Donald Trump, though not a prophet, may be one of those vessels through which God speaks, delivering a message that resonates with the American people and particularly Christians in these turbulent times.

During the July 13 assassination attempt near Butler, Pennsylvania, President Trump narrowly escaped what could have been a fatal blow. As he fell to the ground after the gunshots, he repeated a singular word several times: “Fight, fight, fight!” To many, this might have seemed like a simple rallying cry, but I believe it was something far more—a prophetic exhortation from God to the American people, especially Christians.

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The state of America’s soul is on a precipice. A considerable portion of the Christian church has been indifferent, retreating from the call to defend truth and righteousness. The word “fight” is not about physical confrontation but standing up spiritually and morally in the face of evil. Revelation 21:8 reminds us of the gravity of cowardice and fear, sins that can lead to dire consequences for individuals and nations alike: “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

Many Christians and churches in America do not have an acceptable serious spiritual burden for America before the Infinite Personal Living God of the Universe and are doing very little to stand against the tide of spiritual wickedness. For example, with very few exceptions, I have almost never heard biblical sermons, teachings or studies regarding two of the most serious sins in the Bible, as emphasized by Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation—cowardice and fear. 

The sins of being a coward and being afraid are so serious that they can actually keep you out of heaven. The primary reason America is in a moral free fall and continuing to slide into a moral abyss is because the church and Christians have been afraid to stand for the truth in spirit of love. It is time for the Christian church in America to ruthlessly examine their hearts and admit before God that they have been complicit in Satan’s destruction of America.

The church must recognize its role in today’s spiritual warfare, acknowledging where it has failed and rising to the challenge of defending truth in a law-abiding, peaceful, and spiritual manner.

Millions witnessed Trump’s words after the attempt on his life, as he continued to proclaim “Fight, fight, fight!” I believe this was not just a political message but a divine call to action for the American church. If we are to prevent the collapse of our nation into moral chaos, we must heed this prophetic word. Now is the time for a great awakening among believers.

The Kill Shot and What Could Have Been

Had the assassin’s bullet found its mark and ended Trump’s life, America would have been thrust into darkness. The enemies of freedom, both seen and unseen, would have seized the opportunity to implement an agenda that strips away religious freedom, free speech, and the very fabric of the American Dream. This nightmare scenario, where America descends into totalitarianism akin to China or Russia, was narrowly avoided.

Trump’s survival was not just a matter of chance; it was, I believe, a direct result of the prayers of believers who lifted him up. God’s intervention allowed Trump to speak, both through his words and his actions. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as God delivered a prophetic message to America through Trump: we must stand and fight for the future of this nation, or face a reality from which there may be no return.

The Trump Code: Time Travel and Tesla’s Technology

In Troy Anderson’s new book The Trump Code, he explores an intriguing hypothesis involving secret government projects and time travel technology. Nikola Tesla, a visionary scientist, conducted experiments on time travel as far back as the 1920s. Decades later, government agencies such as DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) continued this work through classified programs.

This raises an intriguing question: What if Trump had access to advanced technology that allowed him to foresee his own assassination and the catastrophic consequences that would follow? Could his survival be part of a broader divine plan, aided by the intersection of technology and prayer? While speculative, this idea suggests that the future is not set in stone. With God’s guidance and the will of the people, America can choose a path of revival rather than ruin.

Christians must not ignore the reality of advanced technologies that have been developed since Tesla’s time. The Tower of Babel, mentioned in the book of Genesis, alludes to interdimensional portals and ancient knowledge that humanity has been trying to access for millennia. It’s possible that the technologies of our time could play a role in the unfolding spiritual battle.

Conclusion: The Time to Act Is Now

America is at a pivotal moment in its history. The spiritual battle being waged over the soul of the nation is intensifying, and the stakes could not be higher. As Christians, we must answer the call to fight—not with violence, but with prayer, fasting, and the bold proclamation of truth. President Trump’s words, “Fight, fight, fight!” echo the call of the Holy Spirit to His people: rise up, repent, and engage in the battle for America’s future.

The future of this nation is not predetermined. Through the prayers of God’s people and the power of His Spirit, we can shape a new era of revival and restoration. But we must act now, before it’s too late. The prophetic words have been spoken. Will we listen?

Paul McGuire is an internationally recognized prophecy expert, minister, speaker, author of 35 books and host of “The Paul McGuire Report” on BlogTalkRadio, every Monday through Friday from 4-6 p.m. EST. He hosted two seasons of the exciting GOD TV television series “Apocalypse and the End Times.” He was the nationally syndicated radio talk show host for 10 years of the “Paul McGuire Show” and has been the executive producer of two science fiction films in Hollywood. The History Channel aired a two-hour special with him entitled, “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse” and he was a frequent guest commentator on CNN, Fox News Network and the History Channel. He’s the bestselling coauthor with Troy Anderson of The Babylon Code and Trumpocalypse. He lives in the Los Angeles area. Find out more at


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