Fact-Based Analysis: What Happens if Kamala Wins?


Jesus said, “Again I say to you” (Matt. 18:19a). Theologian Clair Davis reminds us, “The Christian life is a combination of amnesia and déjà vu. We keep learning what we keep forgetting!”

When upstart Bill Clinton challenged President H.W. Bush, his chief strategist, James Carville, kept telling campaign workers, “It’s the economy, stupid!”

When Kamala Harris appeared on “The View” and was asked if she would have done anything differently than Biden, she said, “I can’t think of anything I would’ve done differently.”

Did she so quickly forget?

Review the Record

On Day 1 when Biden took office, he signed executive orders restricting our energy industry, causing a chain reaction that resulted in skyrocketing prices throughout the industry for the truckers, then on to gas and grocery suppliers. “Build Back Better” and “Bidenomics” (enthusiastically cheered by Harris) caused inflation to skyrocket from 1.4% to 8%. Remember:

Gas up 38.7%. Electricity up 31.3%. Fuel oil up 37.4%. Airfare up 34.5%. Hotels up 42.4%. Groceries up 22.1%. Eggs up 69.7%. Baby food up 31%. Food up 69.7%. Rent up 22.9% Transportation up 31.1%. Car insurance up 56.5%. Average weekly earnings down 3.4%.

See the Storm?

If you followed my weekly commentaries for the past four years, you know that I predicted with certainty that if Biden and Harris were elected, their economic policies and governance would have catastrophic consequences. As a “watchman on the wall,” I was simply interpreting signs (Matt. 16:3-4).

To purchase Troy Anderson’s new book, “The Trump Code,” visit Amazon.com.

The brutal reality is this: My warning tragically came true, with the Biden-Harris administration bringing crippling consequences for perhaps decades to come. Already Harris and her progressive partners have eliminated any voter ID requirement in 13 states (California, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Maryland, Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, Hawaii, New Jersey, Vermont, New Mexico and Washington, D.C.).

With an ache in my heart, I say this is an “I told you so” moment as we survey the storm damage crushing our lives. The apostle Paul had a similar experience during his voyage as a prisoner to Rome when he predicted a hurricane-like storm that came to pass as their ship broke apart. He relayed it was an “I told you so” moment. They survived and were jolted to finally listen to him. 

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K.I.S.S. Formula

For over 50 years, I’ve tried to consistently communicate biblical truth with clarity and courage, although twice it caused me a loss of my ministry position. I’ll continue adhering to the K.I.S.S. formula (“Keep It Simple, Sweetie”) with this fact-based analysis.

First, I encourage you to watch the excellent Newsmax documentary, “Blind Ambition,” reporting the San Francisco progressive formation of madame Vice President.

Second, remember Harris misled us for three-and-a-half years about the condition of a cognitively impaired president and was a strong supporter of all his failed policies including the disastrous Afghanistan abrupt withdrawal (costing American lives and gifting terrorists billions in armaments). Additionally, she was named the “most liberal senator in Congress – 2019” (her father wrote a book highlighting income distribution-honoring socialist, Karl Marx); dropped out of the Democratic presidential primary with no votes; plus failed dramatically as the border czar, ignoring over 20 million illegal immigrants surging into America as she called for decriminalizing illegal crossings and provided for taxpayer-funded medical care and entitlements.

Official government data shows:

  • Fentanyl-related deaths over 100,000 yearly.
  • 20 million illegal aliens.
  • 13,099 convicted or accused murderers.
  • 15,811 rapists.
  • 425,431 criminal migrants in U.S. unsupervised.
  • 350 suspected terrorists.
  • 325,000 unaccompanied minors/missing children (multitudes taken by cartel-operated smuggling/sex trafficking rings). 

Harris Scenario

By her record and statements, Harris is a committed leftist progressive, advocating core principles of socialism and aggressive attacks on opponents. Recall how she says her “values haven’t changed.” Recall how she led the attempt to stop Brett Kavanaugh’s placement on the Supreme Court, totally disregarding due process in her attempt to block him.

Conservative economists predict her election will lead America to an inevitable economic collapse. In 3 1/2 years of the Biden-Harris administration, our federal debt escalated $7 trillion to $35 trillion. She’s promising $25,000 to first-time homebuyers; $50,000 tax deduction for starting a small business; $6,000 for child care; continued taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal immigrants; cancellation of medical debt for federal employees; college debt forgiveness; taxpayer-funded sex change surgeries for youth and incarcerated criminals. It’s unsustainable!

The socialist goal is to collapse the economy for a gradual government takeover as we experience the meltdown forecasters predict.

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The A-B-Cs if Harris Wins

A. Abortion extremism policies along with infanticide (no help for aborted babies born alive). Speaking at Bishop Rosie O’Neal’s church in Greenville, North Carolina, last week, she said, “God asks us to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves,” yet (for a second “A”):

A. Antisemitism and eroding support for the Jewish nation facing extermination without American solidarity and support. Netanyahu is like Churchill, fighting an “axis of terrorists,” not legitimate states.

C. Border chaos continuing with eventual amnesty for all, plus driver’s licenses, voting privileges and expanded giveaways to gain more votes for one-party control.  

C. Consumer pain and inflation worsening, with continued rising prices and tax increases as companies are taxed at higher rates and forced to pass along the damage to us, the consumers.

D. Distribution of wealth aligning with socialist giving to favored groups as diversity, equity and inclusion permeates society. “For each according to his need. From each according to his ability”: Marxist utopia philosophy that fails every time.

E. Economic collapse with unsustainable federal debt planned to transform the U.S. incrementally into a socialist society.

F. Freedoms curtailed—speech, religion, press—to intimidate opponents, silence dissenters (such as Trump and Elon Musk) who cite disinformation” contrary to their elitist narrative.

G. Giveaways galore to foster one-party rule and fundamental transformation of our free-market, capitalistic society into an American Marxist model.

H. Hijacking the criminal justice system to promote defunding police, no bail requirements, lax prosecution, criminals as victims in a white patriarchal society that must be overturned and sanctuary cities maintained to coddle criminals.

I. Increasing emphasis on radical agendas such as: climate change/global warming, transgenderism,    LGBTQ activism, critical race theory and legalizing marijuana at federal level for all states (Harris’ proposal), while school choice and parental rights are opposed.

Here’s the deal: In the 1930s, Hitler and his Socialist Democratic Party seduced the masses, and Germany went from democracy to dictatorship to demise in under a decade. We are in an existential moment where our very existence is on the line, as it was during the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. But now it’s a culture war, and we cannot remain uninformed “useful idiots” (term used historically by Marxists to describe uninformed citizens).

The progressive approach includes ending the Electoral College, expanding the Supreme Court and using DEI ideology to mandate government subsidized, low-income housing projects throughout America.

May the very thought of my “I told you so” moment never materialize because the people of God arise. May we avoid the storm, reminding ourselves “Duty is our responsibility. Results are God’s.” —President John Q. Adams.

As Michele Obama’s “When We All Vote” organization launched “Party at The Polls” with X-rated rapper Cardi B and drag queens to draw young voters, let’s counter with our full-orbed patriotic participation and prayer! “Your soldiers are willing volunteers on your day of battle” (Ps. 110:3a, ISV).

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