My 23 Minutes in Hell: 3 People I Thought About


During the “23 Minutes in Hell” vision from God, I thought of only three people, and each one was significant.

The first person I thought of was my wife. I knew she was on the surface of the earth, and I was far below. I would never see her again and would never even have the satisfaction of saying goodbye. To have no finality with your loved ones is extremely sorrowful, beyond what mere words can describe. She would never even know I still existed in a place of torment.

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The second person I thought of was a very large, muscular man my wife and I had seen at the gym. His strength was almost superhuman. We once saw him squat 1,000 pounds. He had 24-inch arms, and his legs were like tree stumps. We had never met him, but we were amazed at his size and massive build. When I was in hell being held down by these gigantic demons, I thought of him. I thought, “Even that big guy at the gym would be no match for these demons.”

Two weeks after the vision, my wife and I were at the gym, and this same man walked up and stopped directly in front of us. He said, “Do you mind talking for a minute? I don’t know anything about God, but I feel like He is trying to tell me something. Do you know anything about God?

“Yes, we do, and would be glad to talk to you,” we said. We had never spoken to him before.

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It was amazing that this man would not only sense God was trying to talk to him, but that out of all the people in the gym, he asked us. He told us he felt that God had something for him to do in life, but he felt he was too dirty to even talk to God. He had been a WWF wrestler who fought in cage fights, dated loose women, was very promiscuous and had never thought about God. He believed God could never use him in any way because his life was an ungodly one. We told him his past didn’t matter, and if he would turn his life over to the Lord, repent and turn from sin, the Lord would give him a new start and a clean slate.                     

We felt God could use him to influence many young people, as they looked up to him because of his strength and size. We shared the way of salvation with him, and he repented and received Jesus as his Lord and Savior. God had me think about him in hell, and God had him think about me at the gym. This was a demonstration of the Lord’s deep love for this man so he could receive His gift of salvation and avoid hell.


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