How ‘World’s Hottest Porn Star’ Found God

Brittni Ruiz, Jenna Presley

Jenna Presley was known as the world’s hottest porn star, with starring roles in more than 275 movies. Now, a year after accepting Christ, she is using her real name—Brittni Ruiz—and talking about her journey.

Ruiz, now 26, was in the adult film industry for seven years. At the height of her success, she filmed up to three sex scenes per day. She eventually turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with her tumultuous life and career, and even attempted suicide several times.

In a video from XXXChurch, Ruiz sits down with church member Rachel Collins—whom Ruiz had met at pornography conventions—and explains how she began her career at 18, how she started to spiral downward, and what led to her transformation in Christ.

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