Mariella Frostrup

British TV Shows Couples Having Sex in a Box


Three couples, including a gay couple, will have sex in a box in front of a studio audience as part of a new series on Britain’s Channel 4.

But the broadcaster has been accused of grabbing ratings under the cover of trying to counteract the “explosion of online pornography.”

During the program, to be aired on Oct. 7, volunteer couples will be interviewed by presenter Mariella Frostrup after they have had sex in a soundproofed and opaque cube.

The couples, including two gay men, will also have their sex lives discussed by a panel of experts, including sex columnist Dan Savage.

Comedian Bridget Christie highlighted that showing more sex “isn’t necessarily the answer” to the problem of pornography.

She said, “How to boost your ratings while pretending to help society? Fight sex with sex!”

And relationships expert Donna Dawson said in a BBC Radio 5 Live interview that this is an “extremely unnatural” situation and is being shown simply to excite viewers.

Mariella Frostrup says her hope is for the program to provoke a “mature, intelligent discussion” about sex in modern Britain, despite having initially approached the program with “a degree of skepticism.”

Both the studio audience and TV viewers will not be able to see the couples having sex.

Channel 4 says their series of programs looks at “how the ever-increasing consumption of pornography is distorting people’s expectations of sex.”

Channel 4 was criticized by campaign group Mediawatch-UK in 2011 for broadcasting a program that provided sexually explicit advice to teenagers.

The channel’s former chief executive, Michael Grade, was dubbed Britain’s “pornographer-in-chief” because of the sexually graphic programs he commissioned.


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