Affordable Care Act application Offers Protesters New Way to Challenge Obamacare


The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) announced Tuesday it has launched a new Web strategy to challenge Obamacare and the individual mandate.

The ACLJ, which already is challenging the HHS mandate in federal court, has launched and is encouraging Americans to add their names to a growing chorus of protest to Obamacare.

“We want to send a very strong message to the Obama administration that Americans are saying ‘Enough is enough’ when it comes to Obamacare,” explains Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the ACLJ. “We’re preparing a new legal strategy to stop the Obama administration from penalizing Americans who fail to sign up for a program that doesn’t work. Obamacare is failing. The health care website doesn’t work. The costs are too high. And the individual mandate is looming. With this new campaign, we are giving Americans an opportunity to voice their concerns.”

The launch of to protest Obamacare comes as HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is scheduled to testify before a House committee next week.

“We expect to hear from thousands of dissatisfied Americans through our new website,” Sekulow adds. “And we will let Congress know about the feedback we receive prior to next week’s hearing. We urge Congress to aggressively investigate this debacle—the rollout of Obamacare. The American people deserve answers from the Obama administration, and the American people deserve accountability.”

Sekulow also says the ACLJ is exploring a litigation strategy that will seek to protect Americans from penalties imposed by the Obama administration for a product Americans can’t even obtain.


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