WATCH: LGBT Propaganda Film Calls Gay ‘The New Black’

Gay: the new black?

A new pro-LGBT film is exploring the tangled relationship between the homosexuality and the black community.

“The New Black” highlights parts of the black community that take a strong biblical stance against gay marriage, attempting to draw out hypocrisy in contrast with the African American civil rights movement.

Within the trailer, the filmmakers make no differentiation between African Americans who are simply insensitive towards gays but have no faith, and those who have a strong conviction of faith.

“God did not make lesbians,” one women is seen arguing in the film.

The LGBT/black comparison is nothing new in the liberal side of the discourse, but the civil rights framing ignores certain biblical facts.

In Scripture, all men are born with certain sinful proclivities—but these are all a result of man’s original sin, not God’s creation, whereas God originally made a perfect man (Adam). And to solve the problem of sin, God sent another perfect man—Christ, God in human form—to reverse that curse of sin and offer spiritual rebirth (see Romans 5). This includes victory over sexual sin of both heterosexual and homosexual nature (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

Watch the film’s trailer below:


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