woman worshipping

How to Get Lost in Worship


Shortly after I was healed from a life-threatening disease and baptized in the Holy Spirit, I was asked to minister in a Pentecostal church. There I was introduced to a dimension of worship that I had never experienced before.

Sitting on the platform in my studied dignity as a former Methodist professor, observing the worship service that was so different from that to which I was accustomed, I was fascinated by all that was going on around me. Though their worship expression seemed disorderly—almost irreverent—in comparison with Methodist tradition, I could tell these people deeply loved the Lord and were expressing their love to Him.

I looked down from my seat on the platform and saw a pretty red-headed woman standing with her hands raised and her eyes closed worshiping God. She was perhaps 35 years old. Her face glowed as if it reflected a thousand-watt lightbulb. Tears were flowing down her cheeks, and I heard her say, “I love You, Jesus.”

As I watched her, it seemed to me that her face got brighter and brighter. I couldn’t hear everything she was saying from where I was, and I was curious. So I walked down off the platform and stood in front of her. She ignored me.

I leaned over and said, “You and the Lord are having a good time, aren’t you, honey?” Still she didn’t pay attention to me. I was insulted. I thought, Doesn’t she know I am the guest evangelist?

I heard her say, “You are the lily of the valley. I love You. You are the bright and morning star.” I recognized that she was quoting love phrases from the Song of Solomon. She continued, “Thank You for being my husband, my friend.” Somewhat awed, I went back to the platform.

But I could not take my eyes off her. I knew she was experiencing the presence of God in a way that I never had. I watched her awhile then walked back down to stand by her.

She did not know I was there. So I returned to the platform a second time. Still watching her, I thought, Maybe she doesn’t hear well.

I walked down a third time and stood behind her so I could speak into her ear. Again I said, “You and the Lord are having a good time together, aren’t you?”

What I really wanted to say was, “What is going on? I don’t understand what it is you are enjoying.” I thought she could explain it to me, but still she did not acknowledge my presence.

This time when I returned to the platform, I felt someone punch me. I recognized that it was the Lord trying to get my attention. He spoke to me so sweetly: “Fuchsia, you can have that if you want it.” I didn’t even know what “that” was, but I assumed He was referring to my fascination with the young worshiper.

I went to my room after the service and got on my knees. I said to the Lord, “All right, what is it? You said I could have the thing that made that girl so ‘lost’ she didn’t know I was there. What is that?”

The Lord answered, “I seek a people who worship Me in spirit and truth.”

I asked, “Is that worship? Then what have I been doing all these years?”

“Without this revelation of worship,” He replied gently, “you have simply been having religious services.”

“How can I have that?” I cried out.


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