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Israel Day of Prayer Sunday


This weekend marks the third annual Christians United for Israel (CUFI) Sunday. Churches are being asked to dedicate all or a portion of their worship service to praying for and showing solidarity with Israel.

Last years’ event drew more than 1,500 churches from a variety of denominations.   Congregations prayed for the peace of Jerusalem and pastors dedicated their sermons to explaining why Christians should support the Jewish nation. The event is organized by Texas pastor John Hagee, founder of CUFI along with the CUFI team.

“Israel is an outpost of freedom and democracy in one of the most undemocratic regions in the world,” Hagee said after last year’s event. “Now is the time for Israel’s supporters, regardless of faith or political ideology, to unite in standing with Israel as she confronts such serious threats from Hezbollah, Hamas and Iran.”


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