A Planned Parenthood Clinic

$1.5 Billion of Your Taxes Go to Fund Abortion


Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion mill in the United States, was given $1.5 billion in state and federal funds from 2010 to 2013. That’s according to a new Government Accountability Office report.

The figure translates to about $500 million per year in American taxpayer money. That should making you praying mad.

Alliance Defending Freedom Litigation Counsel Catherine Glenn Foster  said the government should use the tax dollars of Americans responsibly, but this report confirms overwhelmingly that it has not.

“It’s bad enough that the government is funneling the hard-earned money of Americans to pay for elective abortions, contrary to what federal law is supposed to allow, but as ADF has reported annually to Congress, Planned Parenthood and other organizations have bilked taxpayers out of millions through waste, abuse and potential fraud,” Foster said.

“That’s why Congress has been investigating Planned Parenthood, why some members of Congress have proposed additional legislation to help stop the funding stream, and why ADF will continue its fight in court against Planned Parenthood’s misuse of tax dollars in multiple lawsuits, including Thayer v. Planned Parenthood of the Heartland.” 


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