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Jihad Strikes Texas While Obama Keeps His Head in the Sand


Jihad struck Texas. It’s just the latest skirmish in a global radical Islamic assault on free speech—on freedom.

It’s a war. ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab and al-Qaida are just a few of the named brigades in this radical Islamic jihadi army.

The two Islamic terrorists who opened fire on a free speech art exhibit in Texas are merely the latest casualties in this war.  But they are a reminder of who the enemy is.

These radical Islamists are clear on who their enemy is.  To them, free speech is the enemy. Islamic radicals made this clear through their murderous rampage at Charlie Hebdo in Paris and the free speech exhibit in Texas. To them, Christians are the enemy, evidenced by the mass murders, propaganda beheadings, and vile statements carried out by ISIS, Boko Haram and other terrorist groups.

The terrorists who attacked free speech in Texas last night made it clear what their goal was, what they were fighting for, and who their enemy is. One tweeted just moments before the attack.

That twitter account has now been suspended, but it contained a litany of jihadi tweets, pro-ISIS retweets and radical Islamic propaganda.

In short, to the jihadis, we are the enemy. They have named their enemy. And by doing so they have inspired the Tsarnaev brothers, the Texas attack, Nidal Hasan and many others to carry out deadly terrorist attacks throughout America.

Yet the Obama administration still only references these as “extremists.” President Obama time and time again refuses to acknowledge that these vicious and targeted attacks on freedom are carried out by one ideologically bonded group of people—radical Islamists, jihadis. Last night was no exception, as the White House has merely referred to the jihadi attack on free speech in Texas as “an act of violence.”

In short, President Obama refuses to name the enemy. And the consequences build every day.

The contrast could not be more stark.

The jihadis are crystal clear about their enemy. Tens of thousands of radical Islamists have flocked to join ISIS and other terrorist groups—including attempts by at least one of the militants who carried out last night’s attack.  At the same time, America’s response to jihad, under President Obama’s (lack of) leadership, has weakened the cause of freedom.

This must end. America must demand accountability from our leaders. We the people must demand that our next President (and there are a lot of people vying for the job right now) is willing to name our enemy and committed to defeating them wherever they train, plot and carry out jihad.

America must never back down. We must never surrender our First Amendment freedoms. The local authorities in Texas showed the resolve that we must all exhibit.

Free speech, even speech you and I might disagree with, must be protected. But now it’s time for America’s leaders to speak out—to name the enemy—and engage the jihadis on the battlefields they are creating. The only way to stop the threat of terror is to overwhelmingly defeat the jihadists who inspire it.

This article is crossposted on Red State.


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