The prayer box on Koko Crater Trail.

Prophetic Vision Leads Woman to Put Prayer Box Atop ‘Stairway of Doom’


Hikers both adore and despise the Koko Crater Trail climb, fittingly titled the “stairway of doom.”

But for some, outdoors is a sanctuary, and the Lord will speak to people in unlikely ways. Just look to the prayer box at the top of the trail, put into place by a woman who was following the Holy Spirit. 

“I heard Him say very clear to me, ‘Angela, everybody needs prayer, but not everyone is willing to walk into a church to receive it,'” Angela Tomiye tells KITV.

The prayer box is filled with the secret hopes of the hikers, and every so often, Tomiye will gather them and lift them up to the Father in prayer. 

“It fills my heart,” she says. “I feel fortunate that we get to read this and we get to pray over John and his family.”

One hiker has taken note of how people react to the box. 

“Fascinating,” Paul Kemp posted on Facebook. “I wondered about the prayer box when it first appeared. I have often seen people thinking very hard before adding their bit of paper.”


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