InterVarsity's Alec Hill

InterVarsity President Alec Hill Steps Down After Cancer Diagnosis


We are deeply saddened to announce that InterVarsity President Alec Hill has been diagnosed with myelodysplasia, a cancer of the bone marrow, which requires rigorous treatment. As a result of this news, Alec will enter cancer treatment on June 10.

The entire InterVarsity Christian Fellowship family laments and joins together in prayer for Alec’s complete healing.

The InterVarsity Board of Trustees will meet in early June, at which point an interim president will be appointed.

Alec had originally planned to announce his departure from the president’s role this November and then to stay in office until the selection of a new president in the spring of 2016. The Board has already formed a Discernment and Search Task Force to begin the process of finding a new president.

InterVarsity is deeply thankful for Alec’s 14 fruitful years of service. Through him, God has led us to a clarified vision and a more focused strategy to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and men and women sent into the world to serve God.

Ron Williams, InterVarsity’s Board Chair, expresses his appreciation: “Alec has played a key role in encouraging and shepherding us. And we pray that he will experience God’s shepherding and grace as he faces the unexpected journey ahead.”

Please join us in praying that God will bring him complete healing.

Alec gives thanks for the community he has led since 2001: “I am so grateful for the truly remarkable people—trustees, vice presidents, staff, faculty, students, and supporters—that I’ve had the honor to serve with. The Lord has blessed our campus mission in ways that I couldn’t have imagined possible. I look to a future guided by His hand.”


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