Report: Chuck Colson Near Death After Brain Hemorrhage

Chuck Colson

Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship, appears to be near death.

Colson initially showed promising signs of recovery following a surgery on April 1 to remove a pool of clotted blood on the surface of his brain. Doctors found the clot after he fell ill during a speaking engagement.

But Jim Liske, CEO of Prison Fellowship, offered an update with a heavy, but hopeful heart. He says it appears Colson will soon be home with the Lord.

“Chuck’s condition took a decided turn [Wednesday], and the doctors advised Patty and the family to gather by his bedside,” says Liske, noting that Colson had been talking happily with his wife, Patty, and his kids after the surgery before his condition worsened.

“I cannot tell you how much your prayers, cards, and well wishes have meant to Patty and the family—and to Chuck,” Liske says. “He loves you all deeply, and I know that his greatest desire beyond seeing Jesus is that the work he and all of us have been called to will continue. As Chuck would say, ‘Remain at your posts and do your duty—for the glory of God and His kingdom.’”

Liske promised to offer more information when it becomes available and requested prayers for the Colson family.

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