Miley Cyrus will be hosting the 2015 MTV VMAs.

Miley Cyrus Just Did Something Shameful on Instagram


In case you hadn’t heard, MTV chose Miley Cyrus as the host of its 2015 Video Music Awards Show. Parents everywhere should be concerned.

In case you forgot, Cyrus took raunchy to a whole new level at the MTV Video Music Awards in 2013—and the talk of her stripping down to flesh-colored rubber underwear, ultra-obscene twerking and other erotic moves on stage with Robin Thicke is stirring again.

Miley’s perverted performance made Beyonce’s controversial Super Bowl dance look tame and Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction appear rather innocent. Billy Ray Cyrus, the country music star and father of the misguided youth, was probably sick to his stomach watching his baby on stage.  

Just after the chatter about Miley Cyrus’ soft-porn twerking at MTV’s Video Music Awards died down, the former child star left jaws hanging near the ground once again by stripping naked, straddling a wrecking ball and suggestively licking a sledgehammer in her video, “Wrecking Ball.” Going for shock value to create a media frenzy, Miley is pushing well beyond anything Madonna or Lady Gaga have done in their most perverse performances.


“MTV’s choice of Miley Cyrus as host for its annual Video Music Awards show makes clear the network’s intentions as to what kind of program it intends to air,” said PTC President Tim Winter. Indeed, and one has to ask: What will she do for an encore performance? I don’t even want to try to imagine. People magazine is making predictions I am not even willing to read. I just learned she went nude on Instagram.

One might wonder, is Miley Cyrus essentially selling her soul to the devil to drive pop-star success? How did she stray so far from home? Whatever happened, it didn’t happen overnight. In any case, parents shouldn’t feel comfortable letting their kids watch the MTV VMAs this year.

“First, if MTV cannot guarantee that the program will be suitable for children, then the network must—must—rate the show TV-MA,” Winter said. “Assigning any lower age-rating constitutes an express message to parents, and to corporate sponsors, that the program will be free of explicit material.”

Second, PTC said, the network’s decision reminds us that subscribers should be able to pick up the phone and ‘unsubscribe’ to MTV. But we can’t.

“Viacom is able to force-bundle MTV onto every cable and satellite subscription in the country, squeezing nearly 50¢ per month per customer—half a billion dollars per year—regardless whether they want MTV or not,” Winter said. “It is high time for Congress, the FCC and the courts to end the cable cartel’s extortion-like scheme of forced network bundling.”

As for Miley, my prayer is that she will be like the prodigal son and return to her Father’s embrace. God is just waiting to see her come running over the hill. Let’s pray Miley finds her way home soon.

Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual AwakeningMornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan’s Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. She is the co-founder of and a leader in the New Breed Revivalists Network. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter and on Periscope @propheticbooks.


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