This vehicle belonged to a radical Islamic terrorist.

Jihadis Attack Christians, Wounding Two


Suspected Islamic terrorists attacked Christians in the West African nation of Burkina Faso. The armed men wounded at least two people.

An eyewitness said the masked gunmen took over a police station, telling him they are with Boko Haram.

“We are looking for Christians, and you are spared because you are a Muslim,” they told him.

It’s not known if the Islamists have had a direct connection to the Nigeria-based Boko Haram.

The incident happened near the border with Mali. A Burkina Faso security official said the military is sending soldiers to the border area to step up security.

Mali is home to a number of Islamic extremist groups. Burkina Faso has largely been spared from the jihadi violence that has been destabilizing nearby countries.


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