Congressman Says this One Simple Test Proves the Bible Right on Marriage (Video)


Congressman Louie Gohmert, R-TX, said Americans may be divided on matters like faith and morality, but even basic science proves that the Bible’s definition of marriage as one man and one woman beyond any doubt. “I know that a lot of people don’t believe the Bible, like I do,” the conservative Christian said on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal yesterday morning. “If you think Jesus was crazy – a madman as some said – when He said” that marriage consisted of a man and a woman, then science could provide the proper definition. “If you took four [heterosexual] couples…and you put those four couples on an island that had everything needed to survive…and then another island, four couples of [homosexuals] with all they need to survive and come back in 200 years and see – if you don’t believe in God at all – see what nature has done.” He said it would be clear “which civilization has survived and which has ended.” “And I think that would tell us, even if you don’t believe in God, what nature dictates should be a marriage, a building block” of society. The test proves that even evolutionary science refutes gay “marriage.” Gohmert said that certain adjustments could be made to law to allow gay couples certain legal privileges without redefining the immemorial institution of marriage itself. “If you love somebody…you ought to be able to see them in the hospital, you ought to be able to leave them property. There’s a lot of things we can fix without destroying the building block,” he said. The congressman joined the growing ranks of people who question the validity of Obergefell v. Hodges, noting that Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan had presided over gay “marriage” ceremonies before ruling – something that should have caused them to recuse themselves. “There was no question they believed it was constitutional,” he said. “That means they were disqualified” from ruling on the case under judicial law. “They acted illegally. They violated the Constitution. That’s an illegitimate and improper decision.” However, he said, the justices were “willing to violate the law to impose their unelected will on the American people.” “God help us,” he concluded. The discussion begins at 17:29 in the video below:


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