Ray Comfort is speaking out in support of a Kentucky clerk who refused to issue a same-sex marriage license.

Evangelist Ray Comfort: Homosexuality Is a Choice


Vilified. That’s the best word to describe how Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis is being portrayed for standing up for the gospel.

Davis continues refusing to issue gay marriage licenses. Just as they did the Christian bakers and pizza makers, conservative evangelical Christians around the country are coming to her support—including Ray Comfort, who just released the new film Audacity.

“I believe Kim Davis is a woman of courage, who should be admired for her convictions rather than vilified. This issue stands or falls on whether or not those who are homosexual are born that way,” says Comfort.

“Here now is the conflict for the Christian. We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, and it puts homosexuality alongside adultery, fornication and theft as moral choices. It makes it very clear that homosexuality is as much a choice as adultery, fornication or theft.”


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