Pastor Demands Fox News Apologize to Davey Blackburn After Wife’s Murder

Davey, Amanda and Weston Blackburn. Amanda was shot and killed after a home invasion.

Davey Blackburn experienced unimaginable pain in recent weeks after his wife was sexually assaulted and murdered in their home during a break-in.  

Before police made an arrest, however, some Fox television personalities “dragged (Davey’s) name through the mud” says NewSpring pastor Perry Noble. 

“I really do hope and pray that Megyn Kelly, Jeanine (Pirro) and FOX News will strongly consider issuing a public apology for the report that was aired on Thursday, November 12 on The Kelly File where Davey’s involvement was called into question and essentially his name was dragged through the mud–which all led to a book promotion,” Noble writes in a recent blog post.

“As a result of this report, Internet trolls began popping up everywhere, accusing Davey and issuing their own ‘conspiracy theories’ as to how he had to have somehow arranged this.”

Noble continued: “I have always admired Megyn Kelly and her journalistic ability, so when I saw this report by her on FOX I was both shocked and disgusted. The Kelly File should apologize for this as journalistic integrity was tossed out the window for the purposes of a book promotion.” 

Multiple suspects were arrested in the case, including a teen who was booked a preliminary murder charge. 

After the arrests of self-proclaimed “The Kill Gang,” Davey Blackburn released the following statement: 

“(My hope is) that Jesus would give me and our family a heart of forgiveness,” he says. “Though everything inside of me wants to hate, be angry, and slip into despair I choose the route of forgiveness, grace and hope. If there is one thing I’ve learned from Amanda in the 10 years we were together, it’s this: Choosing to let my emotions drive my decisions is recipe for a hopeless and fruitless life. Today I am deciding to love, not hate. Today I am deciding to extend forgiveness, not bitterness. Today I am deciding to hope, not despair. By Jesus’ power at work within us, the best is STILL yet to come. Even when I don’t see it, I believe it to be true.”

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