How a Video Game Won 16,000 People to Christ

Thousands have come to Christ through a video game.

Millions of Americans spend time playing video games. Now a Christian company called Lightside is using the popularity of gaming to win people to Christ.

“Through the course of making these games, we’ve had over 16,000 people come to Christ through our partnership with the Billy Graham Evangelical Association,” Lightside Games CEO Brent Dusing told CBN News.

“At Lightside, we want to be the light in the darkness to the 600 million people who are playing games,” Dusing added.

Stained Glass, the company’s latest game, has become the No. 1 Christian gaming app.

“Stained Glass is a beautiful, fun puzzle game where people match pieces, they merge colors together and they encounter different obstacles to overcome to create these beautiful stained glass windows,” Dusing explained.

“When the stain glass windows are formed, the windows come to life and then a character from the Bible tells you tell you their own story from their own standpoint,” he continued.

“We’ve found that people not only enjoy the games, but also the change in their hearts,” Dusing said.

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