Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio released a new campaign TV ad in Iowa on Monday

Will Rubio’s New TV Ad Sway Iowa Primary Voters?


Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio’s campaign released a new TV ad Monday that began airing that morning.

In the ad, Rubio shares how the 2016 presidential election presents a choice between the “failed leaders and ideas of the past” and “conservative leadership with the vision for a New American Century.” In it, he says voters need to decide what kind of country America will be.

“The final verdict on our generation will be written by Americans who have not yet been born. Let us make sure they record that we made the right choice,” he says in the ad. “That in the early years of this century, faced with a rapidly changing and uncertain world, our generation rose to face the great challenges of our time. And because we did, there was still one place in the world where who you come from does not determine how far you go. Because we did, our children and theirs lived in a New American Century.”


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