Iowa GOP Releases Official Caucus Votes, Delegate Counts

Iowa Republican Caucus Turnout

The Republican Party of Iowa has finished counting the ballots from Monday night’s record-breaking Iowa Caucus, and the official results are even more impressive than those reported unofficially on Caucus Night.

Total turnout was 186,932, which is 53.9 percent more than the previous record (121,501) set in 2012. In fact, the vote totals for the top three candidates Monday night—Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio—shattered the previous mark by nearly 20,000 votes.

Cruz also broke the record for most votes for an individual candidate, receiving 51,666 votes Monday night. That’s a 26.2 percent increase over the previous record, set by Mike Huckabee (40,954) in 2008. The complete final totals were:

1. Ted Cruz            51,666

2. Donald Trump     45,429

3. Marco Rubio       43,228

4. Ben Carson        17,398

5. Rand Paul            8,481

6. Jeb Bush             5,238

7. Carly Fiorina       3,485

8. John Kasich         3,474

9. Mike Huckabee    3,345

10. Chris Christie     3,284

11. Rick Santorum   1,779

12. Jim Gilmore           12

The Iowa GOP also announced the official delegate totals. Cruz received eight delegates, while Trump and Rubio each received seven and Carson got three. The following candidates each received one delegate: Paul, Bush, Fiorina, Kasich and Huckabee.

Although Paul and Huckabee have both dropped out, they each retain their one delegate vote. The eventual Republican presidential nominee needs 1,237 delegate votes at the national convention in Cleveland.

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