This Is Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy Team

Donald Trump

During an on-the-record meeting with the Washington Post editorial board, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump revealed the names of several of his national security and foreign policy advisers.

The newspaper revealed the names on its website Monday afternoon shortly after the meeting concluded. The group, led by U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), includes:

  • Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg (ret.)—executive vice president at Virginia-based CACI International, a Virginia-based intelligence and information technology consulting firm, and formerly chief operating officer for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad following the invasion of Iraq
  • Carter Page—graduate of the United States Naval Academy and now the managing partner of Global Energy Capital with specialized knowledge of the Caspian Sea region and the former Soviet Republics
  • George Papadopoulos—director of the Center for International Energy and Natural Resources Law & Security at the London Centre of International Law Practice, and previously an adviser to Dr. Ben Carson, as well as a research fellow at the Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington
  • Walid Phares—teacher at the National Defense University and Daniel Morgan Academy in Washington, and has advised members of Congress on terrorism and the Middle East
  • Joseph E. Schmitz—Inspector General at the Department of Defense during the early years of the George W. Bush administration and formerly worked for Blackwater Worldwide

“And I have quite a few more,” he reportedly told the WaPo editorial board. “But that’s a group of some of the people that we are dealing with. We have many other people in different aspects of what we do. But that’s a pretty representative group.”

Trump told the editorial board he would be announcing more names in the coming days.

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