Robert Jeffress

Robert Jeffress Prophesies Massive Problem if Trump Denied GOP Nomination


Earlier this week, while appearing on FOX Business, pastor Dr. Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, an outspoken supporter of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, predicted what would happen if GOP officials prevent the businessman from winning the party’s nomination.

“Sixty-six percent of Republicans say they believe whoever comes to Cleveland with the most delegates and votes should win and that would be Donald Trump,” he said. “And I’m going to predict that if the establishment somehow wrestles this nomination away from Trump, even though the rules allow for it, I think you’re going to see a massive boycott.”

Jeffress was quick to add he didn’t think that should be the reaction, but he believed that would happen if establishment Republicans block a Trump nomination. He also addressed the #NeverTrump effort.

“The people Trump has energized are people outside of the Republican system,” he said. “Many of them [are] people who have sat on the sidelines in the last four to eight years. They’re coming into this because they are excited about Trump, and I think that they’re going to sit out. I think that’s a very real possibility.”


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