Stephen Hawking

Even Stephen Hawking Can’t Explain Donald Trump


Theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking—an avowed atheist—believes he can use science to explain the mysteries of the universe, but when it comes to Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting Donald Trump, he’s completely stumped.

“I can’t,” the scientist told British ITV’s Good Morning Britain program Tuesday morning when asked to explain the businessman’s sudden political rise. “He’s a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.”

There are a whole host of issues where Hawking—who has a slow-developing form of ALS, also known as “Lou Gherig’s Disease” in the U.S.—and Trump disagree. Among them is the upcoming British referendum on its European Union membership.

The upcoming “Brexit” vote was the primary reason for Hawking’s appearance on the TV program. He’s been a staunch supporter for the EU and the United Kingdom’s continued membership in the multinational organization.

“Gone are the days we could stand on our own against the world,” he said. “We need to be part of a larger group of nations, both for our security and our trade.”

Trump has yet to respond to the criticism. In the past, he’s generally responded to such attacks, but was almost universally blasted for criticizing a New York Times reporter last year with an apparent reference to the reporter’s disability.


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