Massive Fire Engulfs South Africa’s Jesus Dome Megachurch

Jesus Dome in Durban, South Africa engulfed in flames

Firefighters in Durban, South Africa, had a massive fire on their hands Tuesday evening at Durban Christian Centre. People on the nearby M3 highway watched as flames enveloped the church known as the Jesus Dome. A news anchor from eNews Channel Africa (eNCA) said the cause of the fire was unknown.

In an interview with eNCA, Robert McKenzie, KZN emergency services spokesman, called the blaze a “huge fire” and said that firefighters were doing a “sterling job.”

“People from the church are on scene, and they’ve been able to give on-scene, firsthand accounts saying that everybody who was in the church is accounted for, and there is nobody missing at this stage,” McKenzie told the television station.

However, a policeman was knocked over by a vehicle while directing traffic, according to Crime Intelligence & Community Awareness (CICA) South Africa.

Charisma News was not able to reach the pastor, Dr. Fred Roberts, by phone. Roberts and his wife, Nellie, celebrated 60 years of ministry in 2014, at Jesus Dome, a citywide multicultural church dedicated as a “House of Prayer for All Nations,” according to the church’s website

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