
Prayer Warriors, Politicians Unite in Prayer Rally


Michele Bachmann. David Barton. J.C. Watts. These are among the leaders coming together at River Church in Tampa on Sunday for an event called Prayer Rally for America’s Future.

The prayer rally has a single purpose: committing the United States and the Republican National Convention to God in prayer. The event, which runs from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Aug. 26, is free.

Organized by the Florida Family Policy Council, more than 2,000 Christians from the Republican National Convention and the Greater Tampa Bay area, along with churches via live stream around the country, will unite and cry out to God for mercy and blessing on the U.S.

The prayer rally program will feature national Christian leaders spending five to 10 minutes to speak briefly and lead the audience in prayer regarding a need for America’s future. Each leader will focus their comments on an issue such as life, marriage, family, radical Islam, revival in America, male leadership, human trafficking, racism or praying for our elected officials.

Other prayer rally speakers include Eagle Forum’s Phyllis Schlafly, Citizenlink’s Tom Minnery, ReAL’s Jim Garlow, Vision America’s Rick Scarborough, Students for Life’s Kristan Hawkins, Liberty Counsel’s Mat Staver, evangelist Rodney Howard-Browne, Florida Family Policy Council’s John Stemberger, Resound Missions Base’ Larry and Leah Ramirez and Hope Christian Church’s Bishop Harry Jackson.

Click here to register for the prayer rally.


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