Franklin Graham Answers: Do Pastors Belong in Politics?
As American churches face intense culture wars and escalating violence, Franklin Graham says it’s time for pastors to step up.
In a Facebook post, the evangelist challenged Christians and pastors to dive into the political arena:
Do pastors belong in politics? Absolutely—if God leads them to be. I’m thankful for these 200 pastors who are getting involved in making a difference in their communities, their states, and the nation—and they’re encouraging their congregations to do the same, before it’s too late. AsGodspeak Calvary Chapel Thousand Oaks’s Rob McCoy says “You can change the city council. You can change the school board. You can make a difference right where you are. You can affect your schools…” He’s right—the time for Christians to be sitting on the sidelines is over! One state representative said, “Do you think that if people on your deacon board or pastoral board were serving on the school board that you would be discussing same-sex bathrooms?” Think about it. The Bible says, “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3) McCoy answered that question—”Rebuild the foundation!” We need Christians running for office at all levels—local, state, and national. Where could God be leading you to serve?
Graham’s sentiments echo those of American Renewal Project’s David Lane, who challenged 1,000 pastors to enter the political arena.
“The recent SCOTUS ruling codifying into law same-sex intercourse and marriage, and the revelry that followed by corporate America each serve as perfect examples of how our nation stands on the bring (sic) of a moral collapse. Instead of deep grief and remorse over the immorality of five Supreme Court Justices, big business gloated in the systematization of sexual deviancy and abnormality,” Lane recently wrote.
“Where are the prophetic leaders of America? And why are they not moving into the public square?” he said.