Amidst our current darkness, Donald Trump has an opportunity to shine on the political landscape with God's favor.

900 Christian Leaders Will Listen to Donald Trump’s Sermon Today


President Obama has said the Islamic Call to Prayer is “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.” He’s entitled to his opinion. I believe the Christian call to prayer petitioning our heavenly Father in the name of Jesus is unparalleled in its effects.

For 40 years I have served on the board of Intercessors for America national prayer ministry calling Americans to prayer and fasting for our nation. On behalf of our ministry and believing leaders who need strong supportive prayer for a watershed event like the one scheduled for this Tuesday, I invite you to unite with us in strong intercession.

Gathering in New York will be 900 evangelical and social conservative leaders who are honored to represent patriotic Americans of faith and traditional values for a “conversation” with Donald Trump. This is not a political inquisition or debate. It will also provide us with the opportunity to pray for our nation. 

Former presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson will convene this gathering and address us. Our collective purpose is to bring about cultural change in America by emphasizing Judeo-Christian values and motivating people to vote as our civic responsibility.

Respected leaders such as James Dobson, Ronnie Floyd, Ralph Reed, Penny Nance, Tim Wildmon, Gary Bauer, Ed Young and others are grateful for this interactive opportunity with Mr. Trump. Organizers have offered Hillary Clinton this same opportunity, but no response has been forthcoming. 

Opportunity to Ask Questions

As participants, we have a wonderful opportunity to engage Mr. Trump with questions on the hearts and minds of Americans. I am putting forth the following:

“Mr. Trump, Solomon—who was very wealthy and called the wisest man on Earth—included in his Proverbs, ‘Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still’ (Prv.9:9). While shunning political correctness and continuing to speak forthrightly, are you open to gleaning wisdom to help you be more effective and statesmanlike in your pursuit of the presidency?”

As Mr. Trump is pilloried by the media, Hollywood and his opponents, I believe he has a unique opportunity. In his campaigning and the upcoming convention in Cleveland, plus the highly anticipated debates, Donald Trump can engage in some retooling of his image, enabling him to reach more people with his message. 

He can still remain direct without disparaging opponents in a way that makes people feel uncomfortable. Compare Trump to the apostle Peter, who had his brusqueness and outspokenness, yet consider how mightily God used him!

It’s critical he draw in reluctant Republican leaders and tens of millions of voters undecided at this point. What’s needed is not primarily clever marketing plans, but God’s wisdom, if he will avail himself of it.

Amid our current darkness, Donald Trump has an opportunity to shine on the political landscape with God’s favor. He can be a vessel through whom many turn back to America’s original righteous paths if he employs divine wisdom.

Prophetic words in Daniel 12 speak of our generation. God warns of a “time of trouble” (v. 1) in the end times and that “those who are wise will shine as the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who turn the many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever” (v. 3). “But the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand” (v. 10).

We Want Our Country Back

The anger, frustration and near despair among millions in America is the result of our descent into a moral abyss. We have a hopelessness in the pit of our stomachs, feeling our nation has been taken hostage by individuals promoting lawlessness, reckless spending, secularism, entitlements, hedonism, multiculturalism, immorality, political correctness, victimhood and a progressivist agenda destroying our once-God-centric nation before our very eyes.

Donald Trump repeatedly declares, “Let’s make America great again!” That will only happen if we experience another spiritual awakening where we heed 2 Chronicles 7:14.

“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

Will you do your part and pray—and even fast—for our Tuesday “Conversation With Donald Trump?” It’s also been called “A Conversation About America’s Future.”

Ronald Reagan used to quote an adaptation of a famous saying from Rabbi Hillel in the first century, “If not us, who? If not now, when?”

Nine hundred of us will do our part. Please join us with your intercessory prayer.


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