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Pastor’s Brutally Honest Video Over Alton Sterling’s Death Goes Viral


A pastor’s tear-choked response to Alton Sterling’s death has gone viral. What’s even more heartbreaking is her words came too late for Philando Castile, who was also shot to death on live video this week. 

Banner Church’s Savannah Hartman shared a powerful poem, begging for change. 

Among some of the lyrics: 

Stop blaming them like their deaths were deserved
We all deserve death, but our lives were preserved
By Christ’s work on the cross, he paid for our sins
So we don’t have to make mistakes again and again

She begs for systemwide change and recognition of the issue and asked for God to intervene in our country. 

Father God right now, I pray for my American brothers and sisters, God, of all colors. That we would stand together and love one another. I pray, God, for my family, God, in the black community, God, that they would have peace in this time, that they would have justice and hope for a better future for them and their children. 

Watch the video to see more. 


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