Donald Trump

Following GOP Convention, Trump Campaign Sends a Powerful Message


In politics, a steady stream of campaign donations is the lifeblood of any successful campaign.

Without it, even a billionaire like Donald Trump will eventually run out of money. No money, and the campaign is done.

The Republican presidential nominee wanted to send a powerful message to his Democratic counterpart following this week’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland by raising $1 million in online donations in a single day. After surpassing that goal in a matter of a few hours, Donald Trump Jr. set a new goal: $2 million.

Well, they crushed that one, too.

“In a single day we raised $3.5 million from online fundraising,” the Trump campaign declared in a press release Thursday afternoon. “The record haul came as America was introduced to Governor Mike Pence as Mr. Trump’s running mate.”

In a somewhat uncharacteristic move, the Trump campaign is giving much of the credit for the surge in donations to Pence’s arrival on the ticket. The press release says the Indiana governor has “ignited the passion of grassroots conservatives.”

“Our campaign has added over 750,000 new donors since we launched online fundraising 30 days ago,” the statement continues. “The strength of our grassroots support is a testament to the strength of our message of Making America Great Again. We will continue to grow and expand the campaign as we work to defeat Crooked Hillary and the Clinton machine in November!”


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