Hillary Clinton

America Won’t Recover From 4 Years of Hillary Clinton


In addition to the satisfaction derived from relentlessly bashing Donald Trump for every little perceived inconsistency or misstatement he makes on the campaign trail, the forces of #NeverTrump seem consoled by the notion that they can ignore the binary choice in this year’s election and everything will continue on just swimmingly in America in the next four years’ time.

In other words, it doesn’t make a bit of difference to them whether their holdout leads to Hillary Clinton’s election. They comfort themselves by arguing America will still be the Shining City on a Hill regardless and they’ll get another bite at the apple in 2020.

Leon H. Wolf at RedState writes, “When it’s all said and done, America will still be a place of impressive natural resources, abundant skilled human capital, and an economy that is buoyed by the relative stability of our governmental system.

“Again, I’m not trying to suggest that both Clinton and Trump cannot do significant damage to particular sectors of the economy, or to specific areas of the globe with misguided and misinformed foreign policy, but America’s fundamentals are strong enough that four or even eight years of mismanagement won’t be able to permanently alter that.”

I think Wolf can logically make the argument that the economy will “survive” virtually any kind of political leadership the country offers as long as there is some means for people to invest their capital and use their talents to further themselves. Those economic opportunities will presumably still exist (though heavily dragged down by government policies) in America no matter who occupies the Oval Office.

Not even Barack Obama has been able to completely choke off the American Dream, though he’s certainly given it a Grade A-effort. So would Hillary. But there’s also no doubt many, many people would continue to suffer under the Democrats’ policies.

Yes, the sun will still rise in the east if Hillary wins, and each day won’t look markedly worse than the one before. I like to tell my teenage kids that America will still be the best place in the world to live outside of politics, but everything will just be more expensive in the future. Unfettered immigration will also make it harder for them to get good jobs, and we’re not even talking about the heightened terrorist threat here.

And of course, the national debt must be addressed. I don’t see much hope in this respect unless the congressional leadership of both parties should experience full turnover.

But no, America will not “survive” four years of Hillary Clinton on top of eight years of Barack Obama in many areas that will ultimately affect the economy down the road. And needless to say, the erosion of precious constitutional liberties that conservatives hold dear will be severe under Clinton’s stewardship because she will appoint justices and judges who will gut any and all legislative attempts at either the national or state levels to stop it.

When you have an executive who doesn’t care about the separation of powers and a judiciary that values ideological and social advancement more than it does restraining the powers of the government, you’ve got a lethal combination.

And that’s precisely what will happen if Hillary Clinton is elected.

Radio host Hugh Hewitt writes in the Washington Examiner, “So it is with most of the #NeverTrump folks. Point out to them that the Supreme Court is the headwaters of the rule of law, and once those headwaters are poisoned with a ‘living Constitution’ jurisprudence, that’s all we are ever going to drink, and they avert their eyes. They don’t really answer.

“I don’t think the ‘saving the Supreme Court isn’t enough’ school of #NeverTrump die-hards has fully or accurately counted the cost of losing the court and I ask—with genuine respect and interest—that they for a moment stop denying Trump’s list and/or the Senate’s authority to enforce it, and instead fully deal with the reality of the fork in the road ahead.”

Hewitt was following up on a piece he wrote last week on the Supreme Court and this year’s election. Together with yesterday’s story, Hewitt has presented the single most compelling arguments against #NeverTrump and their pie-in-the-sky “America’s going to be fine” feel good predictions that justify taking a pass on the 2016 election.

In his article, Hewitt touches on the standard First and Second Amendment protections that would be out the door under a Clinton appointed Supreme Court. But as I’ve said in the past, our abilities to exercise our rights of conscience or personal protection pale in comparison to the right to Life that would be extinguished under Hillary’s unelected judge junta.

Someone has to speak up for the voices of the future unborn in this regard. They can’t file petitions with the government to redress their grievances. They can’t assemble to demonstrate any kind of political power. They can’t write editorials presenting their case. And no media microphone will offer their point of view.

If they have no life, they have no freedoms and no protections whatsoever. With no exaggeration, millions of lives are at stake with a Hillary Clinton presidency, and I’m not even talking about the wars she’ll get the country involved in overseas with her aggressive foreign policy agenda.

Simply put, there is no justification for sitting this one out. And despite what the #NeverTrumpers say, there’s no useful purpose to be served by withdrawing public support for Trump, either.

#NeverTrumper Bill Kristol writes in the Weekly Standard, “[T]hey should get no credit for whining to the press and complaining to their peers so long as they continue to support for president the individual who is the very cause of their whining, their complaining and their panic. The only act they should get credit for is withdrawing their support for the candidate. If they were to do so, as late in the day as we are, many things are still possible.

“Absent a withdrawal of support, each of the panicking Trump-supporting Republicans will deserve his fate as ‘an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.'”

Nonsense. What good comes from dividing the Republican cause even further? I think Kristol needs to read Hewitt’s article.

One last thought for #NeverTrump. As suggested by one of Colonial Williamsburg’s finest (the gentleman who plays printer Alexander Purdie), if you’re one of those folks who says you won’t vote because you can’t stand either candidate, here’s what you should do:

On a piece of paper, write down each candidate’s name. Under their names, jot down all the things you don’t like about that candidate. The one that has the least amount of reasons to vote against, you should vote for him.

It’s an exercise that every #NeverTrumper should take to heart.


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