Phyllis Schlafly

Phyllis Schlafly’s Last Words: Trump’s Trip to Mexico Reminds Me of Reagan


Just hours before her passing on Monday night, conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly submitted what would be her final words to World Net Daily.

In that final article, the 92-year-old grass-roots activist compared Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s recent visit to Mexico with a similar meeting decades ago between President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Both meetings exhibited a no-surrender approach to a key policy issue.

Reagan’s no-surrender pledge was his unwavering commitment to the Strategic Defense Initiative, that is, to build and deploy a system to shoot down Soviet nuclear missiles headed for our cities. With Trump, it’s his rock-solid promise to build “an impenetrable physical wall” on our southern border.

“Both Reagan’s and Trump’s signature ideas were purely defensive weapons to which no country could have any legitimate complaint,” she wrote. “Reagan’s SDI was a non-nuclear weapon whose only function was to destroy or deflect incoming nuclear missiles.

“Reagan stuck to that non-negotiable position at the summit with Gorbachev the following year in Reykjavik, Iceland. As we now know, that’s when Gorby realized he could never win an open competition with the United States, so that his “acceptable second-best position” was the dissolution of the USSR over the next five years.

“Likewise, Donald Trump’s wall is not a provocative, but a neighborly idea to stop the rampant illegality that harms both nations along the U.S.-Mexico border. With no legitimate objection to erecting a fence, wall or other physical barrier between our two countries, Mexico should be grateful for Trump’s leadership and even agree to help pay for it.”

Schlafly said the wall’s value is based in preventing murderers and rapists from freely crossing back and forth at the U.S.-Mexico border. But, she noted, not every Mexican immigrant is are a murder, a rapist, drunk driver or drug dealer.

“Voters finally have the opportunity to choose a president who will make America first by securing our border and ending one-sided trade deals that favor foreign workers rather than our own,” she concluded. “Trump’s strong stance in his meeting with the Mexican president demonstrates that Donald Trump is the ‘choice, not an echo.'”

Click here to read the entire commentary.


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