Perry Noble recently posted to social media to explain his whereabouts.

After Fall to Alcohol, Perry Noble Strictly Following Hebrews 13:17


Former NewSpring Church Pastor Perry Noble says he is submitting to his leaders after 30 days in rehab. 

The pastor stepped down from the pulpit earlier this summer after confronting his addiction to alcohol.  

“The best move for me in regards to getting better is to humbly place myself under the authority of someone who I can trust and is qualified to walk me through this next season. As I often say, you can’t do life alone, and it’s going to take the help of other people if I am going to fully embrace the healing that needs to take place in my life,” Noble posted to his Facebook page.

“John Walker has been my therapist for around seven years now and I hold him in highest regard. In those seven years I’ve allowed him to speak into me; however, I am now humbly submitting myself to him and giving him authority over me as I believe he will serve as my pastor, my psychologist and my spiritual formations director in this next season,” Noble continued. 

Noble says he’s excited for the future and what God has in store for him. 

“The one thing I keep hearing from Him over and over again is that He is not finished with me. I have no idea in what capacity He will use me in over the next several years; however, I do know that it will be immeasurably more than all I could ask for or imagine – because, in Christ, the best is ALWAYS yet to come.”


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