A Sign of the Times? Disney Demands 3-Year-Olds Scan Fingers to Enter the Park

Disney World now requires children as young as 3 to scan their fingers for entry.

Disney World will now scan the fingers of children as young as 3 for park entrance. 

End Times Headlines Ricky Scaparo slams the move as using technology that will pave the way for the mark of the Beast.  

Disney reportedly introduced “finger geometry” more than a decade ago to match tickets with the ticket holder. The fingerprint scanner ensures those who purchased the tickets are actually the ones using them.  

According to the Orlando Sentinel, parents who feel uncomfortable with having their kids’ fingers scanned can use their own instead. 

Many Christians believe the use of biometric scanners or RFID chips to track people are the beginning stages of the mark of the Beast.  

“At the bottom end is the claim that world governments will phase out cash so the only way you can buy anything is with an implanted chip that can then be used to ID and monitor you,” The Express reports

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